Well, it's finally happened. I am on my own, living in New York City. My dad and I left on Friday so he could help me move into my extended stay hotel. It's really beautiful. The part of town is safe, there's a park nearby and seemingly everything i could ever need within walking distance.
We got in around 8:30, unpacked, watched my friend Chris Hansen's episode of Dateline, grabbed dinner and crashed. We woke up shortly after to stand in line for SNL. Blasphemy, i know, an ABC intern way too excited about an NBC event but somehow i think they'll let it slide. Yep, at 4:00 am Dad and I were about 120 people back in line outside 30 Rock.
Standby tickets were handed out at 7 but, because we were so far back, we got ours at around 8:30. You are presented with the choice of Live or Dress Rehearsal. Dad and I chose dress because we thought our odds seemed better but still a long shot.
After our long morning, we got Starbucks and Subway tickets and i learned my subway routes to work and Times Square. I think i got it actually, which was surprising because i may be the world's worst navigator. Everywhere i NEED to be is a straight shot on the 1 line. The day after that is pretty much a blur due to an immense lack of sleep but pretty much we went to lunch, walked central park and scoped out a church. Then it was time to shower and cross our fingers in hope of gaining entry to Saturday Night Live.
We got there quite early and walked around Rockefeller Center for about an hour. Then, we lined up in numerical order outside the elevators that head up to the SNL studio. Actually, we were in the line behind the line that goes into the elevators to the studio. Our odds did not look good.
After a little over an hour of biting our nails and getting counted and recounted by presumably NBC interns, we made it to the line into the elevator, then the line to security, and then... wait for it... into the elevator. We didn't get our hopes up though! We've read too many stories where people get pulled out of the elevator just before the doors close. We let out a sigh of relief when the elevator operator (or intern!) said "you might as well have been number one in line cuz you are in." Oh my gosh! We were in!!!
SNL was one of the coolest experiences of my life. The walls were lined with pictures from past seasons and when we entered the studio we were seated second row up on the left. The studio is tiny but because of that we got to see everything the cast was doing. Bill Hader would do dances after one liners and we saw Amy Poehler before she made her big appearance. It was awesome. The best moment was of course, Stefan and Seth's wedding scene! How can you not love Stefan!
Because we were rehearsal, our show was longer and we got a more relaxed atmosphere. Ben Affleck was hosting and would make funny little faces when he was made fun of and drop one liners about words not being in the script. It was really just a once in a life time experience and i'm glad i got to share it with my dad. As we were walking out we ran into Keenan and Fred. It was Fred's last show and the whole line cheered as he walked by. We left, still in disbelief that we actually got in.
Of course, once again, we crashed as soon as we got home and woke up the next morning to go to breakfast with a childhood friend of my dad's. Dad left around 12:30 and i've been being lazy ever since. Making an occasional trip outside just to make sure i'm actually here and this is actually happening.