Tuesday, May 28, 2013

    I came early per my bosses request today to go out on the shoot that i was meant to go on.  It was nixed.  So at 8:00 a.m. my day was off to a bad start.  However, it turned out to be the most productive day of my time at ABC.
     I met another Desk Assistant today, all of have been very nice and helpful.  She was quick on the draw with the phones so i was twiddling my thumbs for a mass majority of the day.  Maggie, the foreign desk affairs desk assistant, told me to look for hidden stories and pitch them to ask what we call "dot com" so i could write something for the web.  I found a story on some sub "boston globe" site about Beyonce getting her butt slapped by a fan and pitched it on a whim.  Next thing i know, i have a byline on the site.
     Of course, i was thrilled! I've worked there for a week and already gotten a byline!!! Way too cool.
     Then, the crash in Baltimore.  We fielded calls and researched on the train crash.  My tactic has been searching hashtags on twitter.  I found several videos that got congratulated and sent up to producers high up in the chain.
      I'd say today was a successful day on the job!
      PS check out my story :)

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