Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tomorrow, i start one of the biggest and most life changing adventures of my life.  I leave for New York and move into The Hotel Alexander where i will be staying for three months.  My orientation at ABC is the following Tuesday.  As the Disney Interns website says, "every story has a beginning" and i think this internship may be the beginning to mine.  Am I scared? Well yes. I am one of only two interns but am grouped in with the entire Assignment Desk staff.  Many of these new employees are Ivy League graduates, fluent in another language, and from New York or California.  Thoughts start floating in my head that i am way out of my league (pardon the slight pun).  I'm a 21 year old girl attending a state school from Dallas.  But i think the words of my mother are very wise: fake it til you make it.  I have plenty of experience and i obviously got this internship for a reason.  I am excited to see what this summer has in store and am anxious to start and see just what i'm getting myself into. Wish me luck!

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